Title: New Scrubs Set - Medical Uniforms with Stretch Scrub Tops and Pocket Pants
Description: Introducing the latest New Scrubs Set, designed for medical professionals in need of comfort and functionality. This set includes stretch scrub tops with pockets and matching pants, making it ideal for nurses, doctors, and surgeons. Crafted from high-quality polyester and originating from Zhejiang, Mainland China, these medical uniforms ensure durability and ease of movement throughout long shifts. The broadcloth fabric type adds to the overall comfort, making it suitable for various medical settings and beauty salons. With a model number z123 and a choice option, this scrub set is a practical and stylish choice for healthcare professionals.
- Material: Polyester
- Origin: Mainland China (CN: Zhejiang)
- Gender: Women
- Usage: Medical
- Model Number: z123
- Item Type: Scrub Sets
- Fabric Type: Broadcloth
- Choice: Yes
- Comfortable Design: Stretch scrub tops and pants with pockets for added convenience.
- Durable Material: Made from high-quality polyester for long-lasting wear.
- Functional: Suitable for medical professionals, including nurses, doctors, and surgeons.
- Versatile Usage: Ideal for medical settings, surgeries, beauty salons, and more.
- Practicality: Broadcloth fabric type ensures comfort throughout the day.
Note: Please refer to the size chart for accurate fitting